Natalie Muyres, M.Sc., PMP

Women holding a fossil standing in a fossil bed atop of a mountain

Since she was a child Natalie has been endlessly curious.

Growing up she spent her allowance on history and nature books, was captivated by other cultures, human history, and intrigued about our primate ancestors. Natalie grew up watching science shows and aspired to be a forensic pathologist and solve crimes. Not the typical dream job for a kid but perhaps a clue to her passion to get to the bottom of things. Natalie’s early work experience and university studies in primatology and anthropology became the foundation for a career as a keen observer and leader of people and change.

After university, Natalie landed a job at the start-up airline WestJet, which cultivated one of Canada’s most admired corporate cultures. A perfect fit for her growing business interest and passion for people and culture…there a career in change and project management took flight. At WestJet, Natalie researched and implemented new service offerings, customer and employee experience innovations, and led many technology and business transformation projects as the Director, Strategic Project Office. While at WestJet, Natalie was fortunate to experience an organization grow from an ‘idea on a napkin’ to an international carrier. The founders of WestJet encouraged a people-centric business approach which left a lasting impression on Natalie and her practice. Since WestJet, Natalie has had the opportunity to work in a variety of industries and sectors in Calgary, applying and extending her diverse skills as a change leader.

Natalie is a graduate of the University of North Texas, University of Calgary, Mount Royal University, is a Project Management Professional (PMP), certified change management practitioner (PROSCI, Change Guides LLC), an associate of Culture Strategy Fit, and an associate and board co-chair of the Human Venture Institute.

“You’re like the Jane Goodall of business.”

Educated in cultural and applied anthropology, Natalie applies a keen eye (ethnography) and disciplined and actionable research to all of her engagements. An anthropological lens provides a deep understanding of culture; a systems-level and holistic view to challenges and opportunities; and reveals multiple possibilities. Natalie is an organizational and design anthropologist and holds a Master’s of Science degree from the University of North Texas. The eminent anthropologist Dr. Christina Wasson was Natalie’s graduate committee chair for her thesis titled, “Applying User-Centred Design to Build Trust and Enable Cross-Agency Data Sharing to Better Understand the Prevalence and Context of Human Trafficking in Alberta, Canada.”

Click here to learn about applied organizational and design anthropology

Born and raised in Calgary, Natalie can’t think of a better place to come home to after her travels. Natalie is a long time yoga practitioner and when she’s not working (or standing on her head), you can find Natalie in the garden, on a hike, on her bike, or reading. Natalie is married to Tony who shares her passion for travel, hotrods, family, friends, and great wine. Oh and she is a cat mom to Ollie “The Rascal” Muyres.

I aim to make the unseen seen in everything I do. By putting individuals and community at the centre of solution design and by being endlessly curious about what’s most needed and possible.

Fieldwork in southern Texas studying a troop of Japanese Macaques. Yes Texas, ask me about it!

A Website.